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Pacific Graphics 2009 in Jeju, Korea

Registration [English Form] [Korean Form]

For registration, please download the registration form, and send it by e-mail after filling out the form. More details, such as the contact e-mail address, are available in the registration form.

There are two kinds of registration category, regular (full) and student registration.

Regular registration includes all technical sessions, proceedings (PG 2009 issue of Computer Graphics Forum and Conference Poster Proceedings), lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception, conference dinner, and banquet.

There are four options for student registration. Basic student registration includes all technical sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, and welcome reception. The proceedings option of student registration includes the proceedings in addition to the basic student registration. The dinner and banquet option includes the conference dinner and banquet in addition to the basic student registration. The all option of student registration includes the same as the regular registration. For student registration, a scanned copy of a student ID must be sent by e-mail with the registration form.

Registration Fees

Category Early Registration
(on/before Sept. 4)
(on/before Sept. 25)
On-site Registration
Regular (Full) US$ 460 US$ 510 US$ 560
Student (Basic) US$ 120 US$ 150 US$ 180
Student (Proceedings) US$ 210 US$ 240 US$ 270
Student (Dinner/Banquet) US$ 210 US$ 240 US$ 270
Student (All) US$ 280 US$ 310 US$ 340

Acceptable payment methods are credit cards and bank transfer.

Korean participants are recommanded to use the Korean registration form, which is slightly different from the English version with Korean specific details.

Presenter Information

Information for a regular (full) paper presenter
You can see the regular paper sessions at the conference program. Please confirm the session to which your paper belongs.

As you can see in the schedule of the paper sessions, each regular paper will be given 25 minutes for oral presentation, including Q & A. The extra five minutes in each session are for transition between speakers. Your presentation is expected to go for 20 minutes, reserving five minutes for Q & A.

The setting of the conference room will be as usual. There will be a projector and you can use either the computer in the room or your own laptop for presentation. If you need a special equipment or setting for presentation, please send an email to pg2009-papers(at)postech.ac.kr by September 30, 2009.

Chairs of the paper sessions have been announced. At the conference, before your session starts, please meet your session chair and introduce yourself. You also need to check in advance that your laptop works well with the projector if you use your own laptop. If you use the computer in the conference room, please confirm that your multimedia files work properly.

Information for a poster paper presenter
You can see the poster paper sessions at the conference program. Please confirm the poster session to which your paper belongs.

In a poster paper session, each paper will be given 10 minutes for oral presentation without Q & A. After the oral presentations, there will be poster presentations, where the authors and the audience will meet and discuss about poster papers. So you have to prepare both slides for 10-minute oral presentation and a poster for poster presentation.

For the oral presentation of a poster paper, the setting will be the same as that for a regular paper. It will happen in the same conference room, and you can use either the computer in the room or your own laptop for presentation. However, in this case, we strongly recommend you to use the computer in the room to save speaker transition time. We will have nine speakers in one poster paper session.

The poster of your paper will be displayed in a separate room beside the main conference room for the entire day on which the corresponding oral presentation happens. Each poster paper will be given one board, whose size is 1,800 mm x 1,200 mm. You can horizontally put an A0-sized or B0-sized poster on the board. It depends on you how to use the space in the board for displaying your poster. The picture of a board is available here. We recommend you to put your poster on a board in the morning, not waiting until the poster paper session. You are supposed to remove your poster after the last session of the day.

Participant Information

Conference program
A printable conference program is available here.

How to get to the conference venue (ShineVille Resort) from Jeju international airport
You can find transportation information at the conference web page. Korean participants can also visit the web site of the KCGS conference, which will be held immediately after PG 2009.

Welcome reception
There will be a Welcome Reception of PG 2009 at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 6. Everybody is welcome to attend and enjoy the reception regardless of the registration category. You can also pick up your registration materials at the reception. The location will be Conference (Luxury) Building 1F Lobby in the ShineVille Resort.

Conference souvenir
The conference souvenir is an umbrella. The registration materials will be handed out with a linen bag.

Conference tour
There will a conference tour after the conference on October 10, 2009. You can register for the tour on site at the conference registration desk. More information about the tour is available here.

Have an enjoyable trip and see you in Jeju!!

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