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Pacific Graphics 2009 in Jeju, Korea

Call for Papers [PDF]

Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling, rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Any interesting new ideas related to computer graphics and applications are welcome.

The conference proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2009 will be published as an issue of the Eurographics journal, Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), in print and online. Regular (full) papers will be presented in oral sessions and appear in the journal issue. A few submissions with strong potentials but not accepted as regular papers will be recommended for a second review cycle after major revisions. Poster papers will be accepted and included in the conference poster proceedings, which is separate from the issue of CGF.

Best Paper Awards

Three best papers will be selected by an international jury among regular papers presented at Pacific Graphics 2009. Best paper awards will be given to the three papers with memorable prizes.

Important Dates

Abstract submission due April 24, Friday, 2009 (strongly recommended)
Paper submission due April 30, Thursday, 2009 (11:59pm GMT)
Author notification June 22, Monday, 2009
Revised version due for second review July 10, Friday, 2009
Final acceptance notification July 17, Friday, 2009
Camera-ready paper due July 24, Friday, 2009
Conference October 7-9, Wed-Fri, 2009

Note on Geometric & Physical Modeling 2009

There is partial overlap of conference dates between Pacific Graphics 2009 and Geometric & Physical Modeling 2009. The organizers of the two conferences understand that there are shared members of the communities, and that some of them may be interested in submitting different contributions to the conferences. It has been agreed to schedule such accepted contributions at the two events so that they can all be presented.

Paper Submission

All contributions submitted to Pacific Graphics 2009 must be original, unpublished work. Any work that has previously been published or simultaneously been submitted in a substantially similar form to any other conference or journal will be rejected. Contributions must be written and presented in English.

The standard page limit for a submission is 8 pages. A submission is not allowed to be longer than 10 pages. If a submission over 8 pages is finally accepted, there will be charges for extra pages before publication. The proceedings of PG 2009 will be produced in full color. There is no need for extra color plates. Please include figures in the running text.

The review process will be double blind. Please remove all personal data (like author, affiliation, etc.) from your submission!

A LaTeX2e style file to generate the standard layout for PG 2009 publications is available (document class, style file, sample LaTeX2e source, and corresponding PDF output file). In case you do not use LaTeX2e to typeset your paper, please reproduce the style and layout in the sample PDF file as closely as you can in the system you are using.

All submissions should be made through the Eurographics SRM (Submission and Review Management) system at
Details of the submission process are available at
Please read the detailed instructions carefully, well in advance of the submission deadline. Although the SRM system would accept both PDF and PostScript files, PDF files are strongly recommended for paper submissions.

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