Realistic Blur Synthesis for Learning Image Deblurring

ECCV 2022

Realistic Blur Synthesis for Learning Image Deblurring

Jaesung Rim,     Geonung Kim,     Jungeon Kim,     Junyong Lee,     Seungyong Lee,     Sunghyun Cho


Training learning-based deblurring methods demands a tremendous amount of blurred and sharp image pairs. Unfortunately, existing synthetic datasets are not realistic enough, and deblurring models trained on them cannot handle real blurred images effectively. While real datasets have recently been proposed, they provide limited diversity of scenes and camera settings, and capturing real datasets for diverse settings is still challenging. This paper present RSBlur, a novel dataset with real blurred images and the corresponding sharp image sequences to enable a detailed analysis of the differences between real and synthetic blur. With the RSBlur dataset, we analyzes various factors that introduce differences between real and synthetic blurred images, and presents a novel blur synthesis pipeline to synthesize more realistic blur. We also show that the effects of different factors in blur synthesis and our synthesis method can improve the deblurring performance on real blurred images.


Performance comparison among different blur synthesis methods on the RSBlur test set. Interp.: Frame interpolation. Sat.: Saturation synthesis. G: Gaussian noise. G+P: Gaussian and Poisson noise.

Blur Synthesis Methods PSNR / SSIM
CRF Interp. Sat. Noise ISP
Linear 30.12 / 0.7727
sRGB 30.90 / 0.7805
sRGB 30.20 / 0.7468
sRGB G 31.77 / 0.8275
sRGB Ours G 31.83 / 0.8265
sRGB Ours G+P 32.06 / 0.8322

RSBlur Dataset

Real and Synthetic Blur dataset

Google Drive Link

Google drive link (recommended)

Postech Link

CG lab server link

13,358 pairs of real/synthetic blurred image and a corresponding GT image.

8,821 addtional images for learning based synthesis, additional synthetic images or etc.
Do not use it as additional real training images.


All of sharp image sequneces.

Synthetic blur dataset using the GoPro and the ABME method.

Synthetic blur dataset using the GoPro and synthetic blur kernels.


Training and Evaluation code

Deblurring Benchmark

Benchmark of state-of-the-art deblurring methods on real-world blurred images of the RSBlur dataset. Methods are sorted in the descending order with respect to PSNR.

Uformer 33.98 / 0.8660
Restormer 33.69 / 0.8628
MPRNet 33.61 / 0.8614
MiMO-UNet+ 33.37 / 0.8560
MiMO-UNet 32.73 / 0.8457
SRN-DeblurNet 32.53 / 0.8398


 title={Realistic Blur Synthesis for Learning Image Deblurring},
 author={Jaesung Rim, Geonung Kim, Jungeon Kim, Junyong Lee, Seungyong Lee, Sunghyun Cho},
 booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},

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